Simon's World of Susans

Has someone just said something so monumentally stupid , you think you've misunderstood them? You are now a spy in the lair of the idiot. Report back to me- you submit the story, I supply the sarcasm.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

What Will They Think of Next?

This contribution comes from Paul in Bradford. His Susan is of the male variety and his story is a good 'un. Paul is a father-to-be. Paul, being a proud father-to-be keeps a picture of his gestating offspring on his mobile phone.

He showed this pic to a colleague. To which he received the priceless reply:

"wow it really is amazing what phones can do these days, isn't it?"

Yep, his Susan thought he had a mobile phone with the ability to carry out ultrasound scans of foetuses. I actually don't think the original Susan would say such a thing. Beautiful.


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