Simon's World of Susans

Has someone just said something so monumentally stupid , you think you've misunderstood them? You are now a spy in the lair of the idiot. Report back to me- you submit the story, I supply the sarcasm.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Bring Me Laughter!

This one comes from the lovely Ian Green. It displays more sweet ignorance than out and out stupidity but I love it. He refers to her/him as a Susan. Personally I think this is slightly unfair (yeah I know this is coming from a man who has a website about the idiocy of an unwitting colleague). To me this is a classic example of how Susan lurks within all of us, ready to pounce at any moment. Over to Ian...

OK here's one. A while back I was buying some tickets to go and see The Play What I Wrote - the theatrical tribute to Morecombe & Wise. Very good actually. Being of a chummy disposition I sent an email around the office along the lines of:

"Does anyone want tickets for The Play What I Wrote? If so let me know."

A reply came back from one Susan:

"Sorry I'm busy that day and won't be able come and see the play what you wrote."

Ah Bless!


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