American Idiot

This latest entry to our files comes courtesy an Emily from the US (or someone who likes to use the name Emily in their email address- I wouldn't know why, you'd have to ask Emily. Or Angel.Or Dave whatever her real name may be). She has a friend, Kelsie is her name. Kelsie is from Texas and, according to Emily, "wants to be a pharmacist because she thinks it's something to do with farming". I'm also told that the fact that she's from Texas should have some cultural significance that our American readers may enjoy. Perhaps they're laughing right now. Possibly while discussing which jock they will take to the prom. While eating a Twinkie. Weirdly it doesn't matter how many parts of America I go to- I still seem to have gathered all of my knowledge of the place from a John Hughes 'movie'. Sorry for reducing you to national stereotypes but if it's any consolation I do look a little bit like Hugh Grant, would be too nervous to use a chat-up line, and say 'sorry' compulsively. And I have shit teeth.
*composes himself*
Anyway. From the amount of stories I have been sent, Kelsie may well rival the original Susan for sheer commitment to stupidity. It sounds like there's a consistency at work here but I guess time will tell. Two lovely examples this week- when Kelsie's teacher said he had to go get a flu shot, she asked him why he was at school if he had the flu. Although that pales next to when someone conversationally said to her that atomic bombs never would have existed if it wasn't for computers, and she asked "They make atomic bombs out of computers?".
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