Simon's World of Susans

Has someone just said something so monumentally stupid , you think you've misunderstood them? You are now a spy in the lair of the idiot. Report back to me- you submit the story, I supply the sarcasm.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Food Groups

Today we go back to Kelsie, our American friend. Or rather our American friend's American friend. This gives us the opportunity to see interesting parallels between Susans on both sides of the Atlantic. Our Susan-watcher Emily relates to us...

"this morning she was eating a Pop Tart, and said she was proud of herself for having a vegetable in the morning. I looked at her meal and asked exactly what the vegetable was.

She identified them as the blueberry sprinkles on top."

A slow clap ripples across the internet. Well done Kelsie.


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